Thursday, 10 November 2016

Gifts and higher gifts for children this Children’s Day

Childrens day gifts, so this coming Children’s Day 14th November 2016, nothing better than taking them for an outing to a gift shop.
Treat children as children, but don’t ignore or comprise on the issue, when it comes to their voices being heard.
Since, nothing can offend them more than this thing, negligence on the part of seniors.
Mug with an Extract of Smile
Finding faults in children, whether in school or home is not that difficult, however, the difficulty lies in leading a life of children which they are leading at present, amidst social, political combined together known as socio-political issues.
Each child and parents of one, want the former to grow up as quickly as possible, but not at the cost of one’s childhood comprised upon, fun, excitement, good, happy moments and the like associated with the stage, robbed off from his/her share. 
Pro or non pro children, the choice is yours   
Most children live in their world of fantasies, however, if possible try and be their partners in crime, depends on you whether you want to be their partners in dreams and wishes or want to fall in the category of people, who consider this habit bad, not useful and a waste, label this as crime?
Dreams and wishes of children, are not only building blocks for their future, but of also a society, country and the world at large, standing securer, safer at the other side of the spectrum.
However, efforts towards these need to be made by us all, by also taking into the inputs, expectations, likes and dislikes of children.
Stop being their teachers, but be more of their friends, is what most children, expect, want from those in schools and otherwise, who teach them.
Lessen on teaching them and allow them to be masters of their own futures.
Teaching here means decreasing on the impartment of theoretical knowledge, and increasing more on their practical exposure of the real world.
The whole universe belongs to children, however, this Children’s Day 14th November 2016, help this message spread far and wide.
Children and armed-forces are correlated  
Children are our real heroes, since those who go in armed forces – the seed, intention towards the same, can either be felt or sown in them in their childhoods itself.
A few lucky of them achieve martyrdom, while, others live away from their families, serving the country, its protection, security, dignity, integration and the like.
Therefore, on one hand if we can say that every martyr was a child once, on the other hand, it can be said that every child, is born with the things, which are required to sacrifice one’s life in the name of mother earth – so it is not wise to suppress, ruin a child and childhood.
Give and take of respect from the sides of children and vice versa, an e-commerce company can help in these
We want our juniors (children) to respect us, but that can only be possible, when we give them the same thing, which we want from them in return.
It is a two way process, and can’t be one-sided only.
Gaining the same from children for some may be a difficult thing, but then there are also a large number of people, who get it from their children all throughout, life long, denies to go away, die down in their last stages as well.
Ceramic blue jar
However, giving and getting respect from children, is individualistic, subjective, a matter of individual choice, it is just that an e-commerce company (Gifts by Meeta) can somewhat assure you these things through its different range of products this Children’s Day comprising:
·       Flowers and plants- both real and artificial, but nothing can beat flowers, plants and arrangements in their direction, for conveying and getting conveyed, respect, love, care etc., towards a human life or the other.
·       Respect is basically a sweet gesture, towards one getting it from the part of one giving it. And both these aspects, can very well be expressed through chocolates, cookies, cakes, pies and the like, with sweetness filled in them in plenty.
·     Teddy bears, soft toys, mementos etc., cab be taken into use for conveying the feeling of respect towards one, and getting assured from the other end that yes someone, respects, highly regards you as well.

·      When we respect someone or want to feel respected, we may expect aromas, incense sticks, perfumes, deodorants, colognes etc., in their directions.    

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